
DISCOVER The Master Ascension Light Codes

Clear past traumas and get on your highest timeline!

Clear past traumas and get on your highest timeline!

Ask an Angel Free Zoom Calls

Join us each Sunday at 2pm Eastern Time, for a powerful group session of
personal and planetary healing with the Angel Raphael.

Join us each Sunday at 2pm Eastern Time, for a powerful group session of personal and planetary healing with the Angel Raphael.

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Master Ascension Light Codes

About KELLY KOLODNEY & spiritual healing with
The Angel Raphael

The Angel Raphael’s guidance as channeled by Kelly Kolodney, will help you clear past traumas & past life traumas, raise your vibration, awaken your passion for life, find your purpose, and help you open to the limitless possibilities for love, health, and abundance.

Kelly started channeling the Angel Raphael in 1989. Since that time she has been sharing the messages from Archangel Raphael with thousands of people who have opened their hearts to receiving the insights and vibrational healing power of this divine messenger of light. Her work is documented in the book “The Healing Consciousness” by Dr. Beth Dupree MD.

Whether you participate in a free angel reading conference call, access one of the Master Ascension Light Code classes with The Angel Raphael On Demand, or participate in a live online transmission, Kelly and Cayce look forward to serving you.

Learn more about the Angel Raphael here!

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Words Of Love From Some Of Our Friends

- The Angel Raphael

"Everyone has to make a choice whether to live as an unconscious victim of the matrix or as a builder of the New Earth!"